latin techno

Gazing into the prolific world of Ecuadorian producer, Joaquin Cornejo via ‘Las Frutas’ EP

Joaquin Cornejo – Las Frutas EP {Released by Earthly Measures} Joaquin Cornejo is back with his eagerly awaited vinyl debut ‘Las Frutas EP’, showcasing earthly tenderness, umbrous textures and accomplished sound design. Cornejo’s six track project channels ambient and footwork with Latin percussion, coated in a shadowy omnipresence of dub-techno. ...

Ethnofusion Picks #Sept2016

Concurrent with the launch of our new site layout, we are proud to present the first edition of Ethnofusion’s second year, and one of our most comprehensive to date. Join us for a range of ethnic electronic expressions and interpretations as we take you through every existing mould in electronic ...

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