
Ethnofusion Picks #Nov2017

Alon Mor – Long Awaited Journey Alon Mor’s full length, ‘Long Awaited Journey’ is one of the blog’s most important features this year and I have written a very in-depth article on this phenomenal new release for the Untz. I will link that article here when it is up, meanwhile, ...

Ethnofusion Picks #Aug2017

The ending of this August marks the second full solar cycle that I’ve been writing this monthly blog. So far, I’ve handpicked over 750 releases in a world fusion electronic format that have met evolving criterions I’ve developed. In this process, I’ve also tried to conquer some of my pre-conceived ...

Ethnofusion Picks #July2017

The Science – The Sea and I EP [Methlab Recordings] Turning heads to the Balkan nation of Bulgaria, the always amazing Methlab Recordings introduces The Science to the international scene with a stellar release, and arguably one of my top favourites for the month. The EP has an amazingly haunting ...

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